Paper Crafter : Blogger : Vlogger : Content Creator
Hiya, today I have something completely different for you as I am venturing into mixed media / altered art work for the first time with you and as a it was my Dad’s Christmas present it was a project very close to my heart. Read more…
Hiya, today I have a fun British themed Cardz 4 Men card that actually I sent to my cousin of a cool Mini Car card made using two funky kits from Kanban! Read more…
Hiya, today I have for you another Cardz 4 Men post this time featuring Hunkydory and Vintage Cars. This was a card that I actually made some time ago but saved up to share with you on a Cardz 4 Men post. I made this card for my Dad’s Father’s Day card. Read more…
Hiya, today I have the second half of my Hunkydory Cardz 4 Men post this one is featuring small cards. This time I decided that I wanted to not only make the cards but also to make the best use of the Hunkydory Topper Sheets. Read more…
Hiya, today we are going back to basics with a simple but lovely vintage style father’s day card. I wanted to do a card that ended up looking great but done simply for all those beginner crafters out there. That said I would like to think that you experienced crafters would still enjoy this video. Read more…