Hiya, Now I know today should be a SIS card but it was originally going to be when I came up with the card but then I realised it would be even more ridiculously long than normal lol! and I really wanted to show you the part of the making of the card so I changed it up and didn’t actually film the colouring. I did give you a colouring video, albeit a smaller one than normal, on Wednesdays video with our cute little Rudolph – oh if you haven’t seen that yet then do go back and take a look cos it is so cute.

But anyway back to this card. Unusually this was a card that was for me rather than one to sell. I don’t often make personal cards, the family have done all the usual things of weddings and babies etc.  I am an only child so I really only have my parents to make specifically for. Cards that are sent to my aunts, uncles etc for birthdays are usually chosen from my stash as I already have so many anyway.  But this card was a very personal and special card that I wanted to make for my Mummi. I made it April 2013 and was going to put it up shortly after it was made. As you know I do tend to work ahead of myself so by the time this card had hit its time slot the situation had changed drastically and I just couldn’t bring myself to put it up.

Some of you already know, but a lot of you probably don’t but my Mum had Cancer. I guess it was about 6 years ago now, and this card was a congratulations on getting her 5 year all clear. As I said there was as usual a small time delay between the filming of the card and when it would be edited and uploaded. It was during that time, January 2014, that we found out, completely out of the blue that Mum had got Cancer again! Clearly you can see why I just couldn’t face putting this up.

To help out I took over running my Mum’s business for her, She has a Nail Salon. Well in fact the family business is nails, as we are distributors and educators for a large American company, but Mum also keeps her own clients too. So when she got sick I took over her work load and clients, which meant I literally did not have time to work on my website. Which is actually why my website was not really ready when I launched, and in fact still isn’t finished cos I was so busy doing other things that I didn’t have time to spend on this.

But anyway we have come out the other side, Mum has had a couple of examinations now and the Drs are happy that she is all clear and cancer free. But she has to go back for checks every 6 weeks. However Mum has told me that she has decided that it would be greedy to get it a third time so thats not happening!! lol! So its just taking one day at a time and staying positive. Mum has not long now gone back to working at her salon so from a purely business point of view I hope to catch the site up to date for you as soon as possible.

Just to add one more crafty note to this story, when Mum was re-diagnosed I made another card to encourage her in her fight and I will be showing that one also – next week I think. Anyway for now I hope you enjoy this card in its own right i.e. the actual design etc and as usual there will be the video of the Redonkadoodles You Beat It Card followed by some photos. Enjoy:

And here are the photos:


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And the colours that I used are:


Well there it all is and I hope you enjoyed it and I hope that you didn’t feel I went from one extreme to the other on giving out chatter about what has been going on in my families life lately, but I just felt this was a good opportunity to explain the situation and explain why apart from anything else the website is not yet perfect But like Mummi I will get there, Hugs and have a great craft day.

signature aqua


P.S Love You Mummi! xoxox

pps I couldn’t find the Adorable Scorable Hunkydory Card Stock any more so I have listed below the A4 in the same colour and below here is my video on how to create and easy peasy card base in any size virtually using the A4 inc 8 x8 – Hope that helps.

Amanda Evans

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