Day: September 11, 2014

Now this is just showing off!!! lol!

Im sorry I know I am just showing off now –  but I did it again!!!! lol!!!   and this time with one of my fav digis of all time the gorgeous Redonkadoodles Cheeky Girl. This time it was the lovely Papertake Weekly challenge and as before I will let you know when I do […] Read more…

Oh yeah!! Oh yeah!!! I did it again lol!

Now I know no-one likes a smarty pants but I have to be just a little boastful and go OH YEAH I DID IT AGAIN!!!!!! I won the Fan-tastic Tuesday challenge with, even if I do say so myself, that fabulous Vintage Shabby Chic card I made. I seriously have to do this style again, […] Read more…