Hiya, today I have two lovely traditional Christmas Cards for you. Nice and easy to make, easy to adapt for the size you need for you location for postal cost reasons but ultimately, I think, look really good.
I always say that the key to a card looking great is not necessarily how complex it was to make but the products that you use. So particularly if you are new to crafting do not be scared to use better quality card etc as it will make such a difference to how your finished card looks which in the end will give you confidence in what you have made.
As for the particular set I have used here, it has been in my stash forever but I think a Robin is a pretty standard Christmas image so I am sure it will be easy to replicate. And of course it does not even have to be a Robin.
So next I must apologise for the huge gap since my last video. If it wasnt for the fact it was completely unplanned and unexpected I would have let you all know. Im sure you wondered if I had just stopped completely. Basically my pain levels are not so good right now as I go through medication adjustments plus of course we have the new pup. So between the two time just ran away with me so apologies, and I cannot entirely promise that things will go 100% back to a schedule until things settle a bit more with the meds. But I promise I will do my best. Also if you do have access to instagram I do post photos of cards on there, they will all be ones from the past some have videos others are just too old for even that, but I hope they at least will act as some inspiration.
Anyway enough chit chat here is my Hunkydory Christmas Robin Cards video:-
So as always here are the photos of the finished project for you, and as always don’t forget to click on the image to get the full size photo, option for super sized and auto playthrough:-

So that is it for today, I hope you enjoyed and as always I would love you to leave me a comment as I always love to hear from you.
Also, if you haven’t already, please do subscribe to my website, that way you will always get notified by email when I publish a video
The subscription box is at the top of the web page.
But for now, thanks for watching and I look forward to seeing you again next week, hugs and have a great craft day,